School Entitlement Officer

School Entitlement Offer

For all pupils who have an additional need.

Our School Entitlement Offer:

  • Recognises that the family is the expert on their child and work in partnership with them.

  • Use pupil friendly and needs based individual education plans. We involve pupils, parents and staff to write, review and implement them.

  • We differentiate the curriculum and resources to promote pupil progress.

  • We seek support and advice from outside agencies to ensure that any barriers to success are fully identified and responded to.

  • We ensure that there is access to teaching and learning for pupils with SEN monitored through the academy self-evaluation process.

  • We evaluate our intervention groups and strategies on a termly basis.

  • We hold termly review meetings for pupils with a higher level of SEN.

  • Teaching resources are routinely evaluated to ensure they are accessible to all pupils.

  • All academy related activities are evaluated in terms of their positive impact on the learning success and inclusion of pupils with SEN.

  • Staff are deployed throughout the academy to support pupil progress and independence, ensuring an efficient and effective use of resources.

  • We have a fully qualified SENCO who can provide advice and guidance to staff and parents.

  • All staff have completed and will continue to receive on-going training in relation to meeting pupils needs in the classroom.

  • Support is offered to families and they are signposted to services and organisations which may offer appropriate support or advice via the ‘local offer’.

  • We offer primary to secondary, post 14 (pre-option choice) and post 16 transition support for pupils and parents.

  • We support families with children with SEN formally through review meetings and informally through our open door approach.

  • Our academy works hard to ensure that parents / carers are able to work in partnership with us to support their children.

For pupils who have a higher level of additional need, in addition to all of the above, we provide a Keyworker:

  • To be an advocate for the young person.

  • To monitor and review progress.

  • To set targets for further development.

  • To provide additional support programmes as and when required.

  • To help the young person prepare for reviews and next steps.

  • To act as a link between home and the academy.

Special Educational Needs are identified on the 2014 SEN Code of Practice as being in the following four categories:

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs
  • Sensory and Physical / Medical Needs

Please refer to the individual categories for specific strategies and resources.