

The School has two Libraries, the main School Library for Years 7 to 11 and a separate Sixth Form Library, known as Ayesha’s Library after a former student who was an inspiration to us all.

Both provide books and resources supporting the curriculum and Reading for Pleasure and have study spaces, computers and printing facilities.

The main Library is open for lessons during School hours, students have access at break, lunchtimes (days and times vary) and after School until 3.30pm.

Students will use the Library regularly throughout their time here. The Library plays a key role in supporting our Accelerated Reader programme, providing access to a wide range of fiction and hosting reading classes and support sessions. We also host small groups of students, for instance doing group work or attending workshops, and organise author events and book fairs. We buy stock throughout the year, ensuring students always have access to the latest titles, and encourage students to suggest stock for the Library.

Students also have access to computers and printers.

Students have access to Reading Cloud, where they can remotely check stock, get reading recommendations and see author videos. They can also access their borrower record, submit book reviews and send in stock requests.

For Sixth Form we understand that students need their own space in order to study effectively. Ayesha’s Library is a dedicated area that is used throughout the day by Sixth Form students only. It is designed for individual silent study and provides a calm environment where students can read, complete work, research or prepare assignments.

Ayesha’s Library provides space for 60 students, with 30 PCs and 30 individual study spaces, we also have a bank of laptops for students to use in the study areas outside the Library.

The facilities and resources are overseen by the LRC Manager and the centre is staffed throughout the day.. 

Opening hours are 8am to 4pm, these are extended during exam periods usually up to 5pm.