Jesmond Park Academy Remote Learning

Remote Learning Strategy & FAQs


Remote Education Overview


We try to offer a balanced provision of live lessons, narrated resources and assignments. All remote learning work will be set via students' frog accounts including the links to the live lessons. It is important for students to regularly check their Frog accounts as lesson details maybe added and edited throughout the day. Students are also encouraged to check their emails regularly and contact teachers via email if they require any help.

A timetable of Live lessons for Years 7-10 will be published and shared weekly. Whole year group lessons will be used for KS3 and smaller groups for exam classes, who will receive more Live Lessons which will by and large follow their timetabled lessons. All live lessons will be recorded and shared with students to ensure no one misses out on subject content. All students will have additional independent assignments to maintain a balanced approach to learning. Some of these assignments will be used to assess progress, identify misconceptions and provide and opportunity for Formative Feedback to the students.


The Remote Learning Curriculum

We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some subjects. For example, some Citizenship and Personal Development topics do not lend themselves to Remote Learning. In addition, activities in practical subjects have had to be rescheduled as they cannot be achieved without specialist equipment in a safe and effective way.



Everything set through Frog – no links or assignments sent via email.

Assuming half a days’ notice of closure the following starts on Day 1.

Live teaching

  • Minimum 50 - 75% per week delivered during normal timetabled lessons slots. This can mean in 'time' as well as No. of lessons e.g. a 50 minute lesson can be split into 30 minutes of live Direct Instruction and 20 minutes for students to complete a task NB staff should stay on the meeting to support and address any errors and misconceptions.
  • The lessons should last approximately 40 minutes to allow transition between lessons
  • Lessons should be recorded and links shared in the next assignment, as preparation, consolidation or catch up. Lesson resources to be compulsorily added in assignments
  • Ideally minimum 2 members of staff in each meeting
  • Resources (slides) must be assigned when the live link is shared via Frog 
  • Cameras and microphones in the vast majority of cases should be off at all times; this is at the teacher’s discretion but it is recommended. NB if teacher cameras are on background should be blurred or changed.


  • In bands (max 120 per session)
  • Number of lessons per week: Core subjects (English, Maths and Science) - 2/3 lessons / Foundation  subjects (Geography History and MfL) 1 lesson / PE, DT/Food, Art - 1 lesson per week
  • Whole Year Group sessions: Computing and RE – 1 per week


  • To reduce workload KS3 Timetable to be set up and curated centrally using new Outlook accounts. A lead teacher will be allocated per lesson slot.
  • Teachers in the allocated slots will be made co-organisers and the lessons will be on their Teams calendar permanently.
  • Lead teachers to create Frog assignments with the link for the lesson/meeting made NB URL not to be copied and pasted into the instructions box it must be added as a link to prevent links being copied and forwarded. This will allow attendance to be tracked more effectively.


  • Organised by individual class unless 2 classes are timetabled at the same time and are doing the same topic; these classes can be merged. Between 50-75% of lesson time to be ‘live’.
  • Ideally free colleagues should be added to the lessons to support. This should be made through local arrangement NB co-organiser support from SLT can be requested


  • Teachers to create the meetings in Teams
  • Teachers staff to create Frog assignments with the link for the lesson/meeting and resources so students can still work through the content if they cannot sign in e.g. if they are sharing devices


Requirements/ Resources to consider and explore

  • MAT policy on live lessons to be reviewed RE: number of teachers in each lesson. Preferred option is to have more than one teacher in every lesson – free staff will have to buddy in free slots. SLT to be used to add capacity.
  • Teams events (will need purchasing) for assemblies whole year group sessions (possibly for whole Year Group/KS3 teaching sessions e.g. PE/Art/Cultural Capital)
  • If working from home – all staff will require school laptops. Failing that a bank of loanable laptops available for staff who do not have suitable devices.
  • If working from school, cameras will be required for each member of staff
  • An audit and then a subsequent loan of devices (and possibly data bundles) to students.
  • Alternative venues e.g. libraries for students to work off site.


Minimum one assignment per week for formative feedback – this could be set as a ‘lesson’ e.g. one of the 4 English lesson might be an assignment. This will predominantly be Quiz/FileDrop/Text Activity plus feedback via frog. In addition:

  • Verbal feedback via Frog can be used
  • Whole class feedback is appropriate
  • Verbal feedback to individuals on an assignment/activity via a Live lesson could be effective


Student unopened assignments will be monitored and weekly phone calls to support students will be made by pastoral staff.

Staff assignments to be checked and quality assure by TaLLs and TLRs

General communication

  • Will be via student email
  • Expectations for the students will be shared and reinforced via an assembly on the first moring of closure
  • Parent communication will be used to reinforce the messages about expectations on students
  • Student guides to be shared and reinforced through VLE
  • Assemblies and drop ins to support students will be offered


Live lesson training to be offered and delivered as a standalone and also as an optional extra.

  • How to set up and lock down
  • Use of events
  • Best practice for live lessons: resources and delivery

Assembly for all students, delivered on the first morning of closure, outlining

  • Expectations for remote learning
  • How to access emails and assignments
  • How to complete the different ‘types of assessments
  • How Remote learning will be monitored
  • Live lessons engagement and conduct


Remote Teaching and Study Time Each Day

How much work should students have to do?

We have asked staff to set classwork tasks that roughly correspond in duration to the lesson time that they would have in school. In addition they have been asked to set assignments via Frog (at least fortnightly) so as to track progress and provide feedback.


How long can I expect work set by the school to take my child each day?

Following DfE guidance it is expected that remote education (including remote teaching and independent work) will take pupils broadly the following number of hours each day:

Key Stage 3 – 4 to 5 hours

Key Stage 4 – 5 hours

Key Stage 5 – minimum 5 hours

Students have to opportunity to use FrogPlay, our OneDrive resources and the classroom pages of the VLE to support, extend and consolidate their work.


Accessing Remote Education

How will my child access any online remote education you are providing?

All work is accessible via the Virtual Learning Environment (Frog/VLE).

If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?

We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. We take the following approaches to support those pupils to access remote education:

If a student requires access to a device we will try and provide them with one on request.

What should students do if they have difficulties with their work?

They should seek support by contacting their teacher using their school email account or add comments or questions via the facility on each assignment in frog

How will my child be taught remotely?

We use a combination of the following approaches to teach pupils remotely:

Most classwork activities will be narrated to support their successful completion.

Assignments are set via our Virtual Learning Environment (Frog/VLE). These are compulsory with a minimum of 1 assignment being set per class per fortnight (this is discretionary for single session teachers). These assignments are set by the class teacher. Feedback is provided via our Virtual Learning Environment (Frog/VLE), ideally weekly. The completion of assignments by students is tracked weekly and monitored by teachers in the first instance, and then centrally. Assignments are used to assess the knowledge and skills covered and to identify areas of weakness or misconceptions.

Any live sessions will be delivered via MS Teams. Attendance to these is strongly recommended. Any live session will last a minimum of 30 minutes approximately and outline tasks to complete and some teaching of knowledge and skills . We may use the chat function for immediate interactivity and feedback; recordings can be made if safeguarding criteria are met.


Engagement and Feedback

What are your expectations for my child’s engagement and the support that we as parents and carers should provide at home?

We expect students, as far as is practicable, to complete all the work set in the timeframe outlined. We will review the work set fortnightly to make sure that there is not too little or too much work set. We recognise that the work will take a bit longer at home than in school and we will amend the work accordingly. A quiet, light space to work would help students to work successfully at home. A good work routine would be beneficial and we would recommend that the day starts, as it would in school, at 8.30am.


How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?

If students are not engaging with work parent/carers will be informed via a phone call from the pastoral staff.

How will you assess my child’s work and progress?

Progress will be assessed through completed assignments set via our Virtual Learning Environment (Frog/VLE). These will take the form of File drops (whereby students upload documents/pictures etc.), quizzes or longer written responses.

Feedback can take many forms and may not always mean extensive written comments for individual children. For example, we consider whole-class feedback or quizzes marked automatically via our digital platforms to be valid and effective methods, amongst many others. Our approach to feeding back on pupil work will be that each assignment set via our Virtual Learning Environment (Frog/VLE) will receive feedback from the class teacher.


Additional Support for Pupils with Particular Needs

How will you work with me to help my child who needs additional support from adults at home to access remote education?

We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils in the following ways:

All children with an EHCP have been invited to attend school on site, including those who we have made applications for, and if required, will continue to receive in-class support as set out in their plan. For those with EHCPs who are at home, steps will be taken to ensure that we, where possible, provide additional support. Staff from the Student Support team will be in regular contact with families of children with EHCPs and will be available to be contacted, via the school office, for other children on the SEND register. For those children with SEND accessing from home, class teachers will ensure that they continue to set work appropriate for the students. Considerations, on an individual basis, will be made about each child’s ability to access the recommended work and this will be personalised in consultations with the SENDCo, class teachers, and parents. Where possible, specific interventions may still be carried out remotely. One to one staff will keep in contact with children to maintain relationships. Additional resources such as sensory objects, visual timetables, coloured overlays and individual writing equipment, pencil grips, have been supplied to those at home. Contact with outside agencies will continue remotely and the SENDCo will continue to co-ordinate this.

Logging into the VLE for the first time

Frog/VLE - How to Submit work online Student Guide

How to Access and Use Microsoft Outlook

Accessing Shared Resources on OneDrive

Opening and editing files if Microsoft Office is not installed

Download Microsoft Office on a personal device

Please see below a recording of the Remote Learning Assembly led by Mr Faraday on Tuesday 22nd of September 2020 which goes through how to access the VLE, Home Learning Tasks and Assignments.

Remote Learning Assembly 22nd September 2020

If you are presented with a login screen when trying to access FrogPlay please follow this link to resolve the issue:

If you are unable to login to the VLE please email and leave your child's full name, your contact number and a full description of the problem.

Many thanks for your continued support in these matters.

Newcastle City Council 800x200

SEND Sensory Service

Additionally Resourced Provision for Hearing Impairment

Jesmond Park Academy

In the event of long-term closure, Jesmond Park Academy is prepared for on-line or blended learning depending on the circumstances.

Specialist HI ARP staff will

  • Day 1 - HIARP staff to phone parents/carers to ensure CYP are aware of the closure and that safe travel plans to return home have been put in place if required
  • Day 1 - HIARP staff to signpost parents/carers to school website for up-to-date information about the closure and the school's online offer
  • Day 1 - HIARP staff to send email to CYP and parents/carers with details of the HIARP Remote Learning folder
  • Day 2 - HIARP staff to phone home to check CYP can access remote learning
  • HIARP and school to work together to add captions to online lessons
  • HIARP staff to support CYP during online lessons, using the 'Chat' function and by note-taking
  • HIARP staff to ensure the remote learning folder is updated daily with differentiated resources that support the online lessons
  • From Week 2 - HIARP staff to arrange at least one 1:1 weekly tutorial via MS Teams
  • From Week 2 - HIARP staff to support peer-to-peer contact via MS Teams, school emails and a shared HIARP newsletter
  • Weekly welfare check calls to parents/carers
  • HIARP staff to ensure that Exam Access Arrangements are in place for exams taken during the closure
  • Ensure consideration is given to CYP who are deaf, when plans are agreed for the reopening of the school
  • End of first week back - HIARP staff to contact parents/carers to ensure it has been a smooth transition back into school