Jesmond Park Academy Careers


The aim of CEIAG is to help learners find out about the world of work, develop key employability skills and ensure they take responsibility for planning their own pathway.

"Good careers guidance widens pupils’ horizons, challenges stereotypes and raises aspirations. It provides pupils with the knowledge and skills necessary to make successful transitions to the next stage of their life."

Links to our CEIAG Policy as well as our Provider Access Policy can be found below. A CEIAG Calendar of events for the current academic year can also be downloaded below. We review these policies annually, and adapt our programmes accordingly.

The impact of the programme is measured using the whole school evaluation systems, by using Compass to map against the benchmarks, by annual reviews of the quality award, by parent, teacher and student voice and by the destination data of our students.

We are building effective partnerships with universities via the North East Raising Aspiration Partnership and the North East Collaborative Outreach Programme (FutureMe).


Sarah Beeley, Careers Leader
Sarah is qualified to Level 6 in Careers Guidance.

Sarah can be contacted by students, parents, carers and employers.

In School Sarah is based outside the Student Support Area on Level 2.

Jesmond Park Academy has membership with the CDI-Careers Development Institute.

Sue Taylor, Consultant Careers Leader, phone via school 0191 281 8486

Nigel Holmes, Deputy Principal


Careers Guidance 

Our External Careers Advisers are employed by Newcastle City Council, Newcastle Careers Team and Educational Development Trust.


Students can seek a Careers Interview through contacting the School's Careers Leader Mrs Beeley or by informing their Year Team and a careers appointment will be organised.


Quality in Careers

Quality in Careers Standard Logo - 2017

The Quality in Careers Standard is the single national quality award for careers education, information, advice, and guidance (“CEIAG”) for young people. Through professional and independent external assessment, it offers national accreditation for the CEIAG provision of a school, college, or work-based learning organisations.

Inspiring IAG

Inspiring IAG Logo - 2017

The school has achieved the Inspiring IAG quality award. It recognises excellent quality Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance.

"CEIAG is well lead. The School aims to provide high quality, inclusive CEIAG that meets the needs of the range of its students. CEIAG leadership is strong and engagement with external organisations is robust." - Inspiring IAG assessor report

We are currently working to achieve the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks.

Careers Champions project

Jesmond Park Academy is the trailblazer for the Careers Champions project which we started in our school in January 2020.  This project is now being rolled out nationally.  The Careers Champion Project was set up in partnership with our Enterprise Adviser, Catherine Boland.  The Careers Champions are the student voice for their Careers programme in school and help out at the Careers Fair and participate in other careers related projects, such as National Careers Week.

“As a NCW champion, I'm proud to be able to speak for the rest of my 6th form community, to make the transition from school to work, apprenticeships or further education easier and more exciting."   Careers Champion Year 13 Leaver 2023.

In school, as a minimum we have two students from each year group, 7-13 acting as National Careers Week Student Careers Champions.


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See our Policies page for the latest Careers Policy and Provider Access Policy

Useful sources of information

To understand the local labour market you could read the following document Our Region Your Future.

The Careers Writers Association have information and advice on this website -

For careers research we suggest:

For information on employability skills:

Useful websites

Further Information

Parents/Carers with their child can access the Careers page within the Student VLE Classroom area.

The DfE have put together a grid informing young people and their parents about the options available after GCSE - download it from here -