Our policy on attendance is quite simple.
Every student is expected to attend on every occasion the academy is open. The only acceptable exception is when illness or injury is so serious that it prevents the student from attending. Every absence is followed up and checked.
Parents should be aware that daily attendance is compulsory for all children between the ages of 5-16 and that it is their legal responsibility to ensure their children attend regularly. Failure to ensure attendance can result in ‘Legal Action’.
Research shows that daily attendance is the biggest single factor in helping students to achieve above average examination results. To allow your child to miss school for any non-medical reasons is not in his/her best interest and likely to have an unnecessary negative effect on their progress. Non attendance also places children at risk and in some cases can result in students being drawn into anti-social or criminal behaviour.
There are of course isolated special circumstances for absence such as attending a funeral or keeping a specialist hospital appointment.
Leave of absence taken during term time
Headteachers are no longer able to grant leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Attendance is linked with achievement/attainment and the Government recognise that taking holiday in term time could have a massive impact on academic success.
Families can request the academy to authorise student leave of absence in exceptional circumstances. However:-
Applications must be made in advance using the Leave of Absence Request form, downloaded from below.
Each case will be addressed on an individual basis, and where it is considered appropriate, leave may be granted.
The decision remains with the Headteacher.
If a request for leave is not authorised by the Headteacher and the student goes on holiday, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised.