2022 Exam Results
KS4 Headline indicators 2022
- Progress 8 = 0.23 ( Using DfE 2022 Provisional Estimates)
- Attainment 8 = 51.95
- % of students achieving grade 5+ in English and Maths = 54.1%
- % of students entered for the EBacc = 51.7%
- % of students achieving the EBacc standard pass = 40%
- EBacc Average Points Score = 4.76
- % of students continuing in education/training or employment at the end of KS4 = 99% (Pending the results of the Local Authority Activity Survey 2021-22)
Additional information KS4 2022 results
- 76.2% of students achieved a standard pass ( new grade 4+) in English and Maths
- 34.8% of students achieved the EBacc strong pass compared to national figure of 17% in 2019
- Many superb individual and subject successes.
- 60 students (21%) achieved an average grade or points score of 7 or above
- 187 Grade 9’s were awarded - this was 8% of the total entries.
- 71 students achieved at least one grade 9.
KS5 2022
- A level retention 2022 = 98%
- Academic retention 2022 = 98%
- Applied General retention 2022 = 81%
- % of students progressing to education/training or employment or a Gap year at the end of KS5 in 2022 = 95%
The Government has announced that it will not publish any school or college level educational performance data based on tests, assessments or exams for 2019/2020.
Further information on this decision, and how school and college performance will be measured for the year 2019/20 can be found here.
Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.
A summary of results for Heaton Manor School 2018/19 and other performance data can be found via the DFE website below, or you can view key data here.