Computing at Jesmond Park Academy


Head of Faculty - Jonathan Thornton

Lower School

In Years 7, 8 and 9 students follow a core scheme of work which follows the National Curriculum

Students are grouped according to ability, prior attainment and target levels at Key Stage 3. Learning Objectives cover aspects of Number, Algebra, Shape, Space and Measures and Handling Data and students are assessed once a half term.

Skills which are developed are problem solving, thinking skills, group work, independent learning and functional maths. The course aims to enable students to solve abstract problems and apply their understanding to a real world context.  Literacy skills are also developed in the reading and understanding of the text, interpreting questions, the use of key words and writing to explain or justify.

Upper School

In Year 10 and 11 Students follow OCR (J560) GCSE Mathematics -

*  Pupils are examined over 3 papers

*  All exams are linear, hence sat at the end of the course.

*  There are fewer marks at the lower grades and more marks at the higher grades for both tiers.

*  There is greater emphasis on problem solving and mathematical reasoning.

The strength of the department lies in its ability to work together and to support each other during periods of change. We are also committed to providing revision classes for students and access to extension material. In this way we have been able to provide a quality education for our students.