Travel and Tourism at Jesmond Park Academy

Sex and Relationship Education/PSHE

The Governing Body believes that Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) is a crucial part of preparing young people for their lives now, and, for their future opportunities, responsibilities, and experiences as adults, partners and parents.


In a world where you people are more commonly turning to online sources of information for life advice, it is imperative that we as a school provide high quality, engaging and reliable relationship education.

In addition, growing concern about the seriously damaging effects of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), sexual abuse (including FGM), exploitation, e-safety and the rate of teenage pregnancies and abortions, make high quality sex education a necessity.



The academy’s RSE programme aims to present the facts to students in an objective, balanced and sensitive manner, set within a clear framework of values. It aims to promote wellbeing, foster self-esteem, self-awareness, a sense of personal responsibility and the skills to avoid and resist unwanted sexual experiences. More particularly, the academy aims to:

  • Teach about relationships, love and the responsibilities of parenthood as well as the physical aspects of sex;
  • Develop positive values and a moral framework that will guide their judgements, decisions and behaviour;
  • Focus equally on boys as well as on girls;
  • Provide young people with information about puberty, menstruation, contraception, abortion, safe sex, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and sexuality
  • Advise on where to access further support, information and treatment
  • Link RSE with issues of peer group pressure and other risk taking behaviour;
  • Ensure that students understand how the law applies to sexual relationships, with particular reference to the concept of “consent” and also the law as it pertains to the sharing and downloading of images and information, as well as how it relates to forced marriage and female genital mutilation.
  • Ensure safeguarding, in particular sexualised behaviours and sexual diversity, is understood and account is taken of those issues in the delivery of the curriculum.


Curriculum Course

Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE)  is taught as part of a blended course alongside Citizenship and Careers Education in a weekly timetabled lesson. The aim of PSHE is to support pupils’ personal development and their physical and emotional health and wellbeing so that they achieve their potential as adults. Our programme of study is in line with current national guidance for PSHE and Sex and Relationship Education.

It covers the  key themes of: health and wellbeing, relationships, and living in the wider world. The course is coordinated and delivered by a specialist team of teachers and is supplemented by the academy nursing team. The programme is approached in a sensitive manner, responsive to the needs of the students. Ground rules are always established to ensure everybody is comfortable and aware of the appropriate protocol.

If parents/carers  would like further information on the programme, including resources, they should contact:

Joanne Metcalfe, Head of Citizenship and PSHE
Call: 0191 2818486.

Our Relationships and Sex Education Policy can be downloaded from our Policies page.