Jesmond Park Academy Prospectus

Sixth Form Parent/Carer Information

Welcome to Sixth Form!

For students, and most parents, the structure and routines we have in Sixth Form are new and different to what they have been used to. Some students take a while to get used to new levels of independence and responsibility. In this section/pack you will find all of the information you need to know about Year 12 as your child embarks upon the next exciting stage of their education.

Links to Sections

Meet the Team - Supporting Students

General Information for Students including code of conduct

Sixth Form Expectations

How to be a Successful Sixth Former

Role of the Sixth Form Tutor


Targets / UPD and Responding to Teachers’ Feedback

Enrichment, Careers and Work Experience

EPQ - Extended Project Qualification

Key Dates



Your first point of contact for specific queries regarding your child is their Sixth Form Tutor:

Mrs Routledge (JUR)

Mrs Broadwell (JBR)


For all other general Sixth Form queries, please contact: