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16 to 19 Programme

Jesmond Park Academy’s 16-19 study programme is based on DfE guidelines and designed to provide students with a structured and challenging learning programme that supports their development and progression in line with their career plans.

Our study programmes

Our programmes are all individually tailored but will typically combine the elements below:

  • substantial qualifications that stretch students and prepare them for education at the next level or for employment
  • English and mathematics where students have not yet achieved a GCSE grade 4
  • work experience to give students the opportunity to develop their career choices and to apply their skills in real working conditions
  • other non-qualification activity to develop students’ character, broader skills, attitudes and confidence, and to support progression


Planned hours

Each study programme will consist of a number of planned hours. All of our students study full-time with a minimum of 540 planned teaching hours per academic year which are part of a full-time study programme for 16 and 17 year olds which will be on average 600 hours.


Students with special educational needs and/or disabilities

Jesmond Park Academy aims to tailor study programmes to the individual aspirations and needs of students with SEND, in discussion with the student. Where students have an EHC plan, we may involve the local authority SEN co-ordinator (SENCO) where appropriate.


Broad programme characteristics

All of our current qualifications are Level 3. Students are expected to study three qualifications. They may study A Levels, Applied General courses in the form of BTECs, or a combination of both.

Our Sixth Form study programmes also include non-qualification activity such as tutorials, work experience, personal or study skills, and support students to progress to employment or HE.


English and Maths

All students in Jesmond Park Academy Sixth Form, who do not hold at least a GCSE grade 4, are required to study English and Maths as part of their study programme in each academic year.


Level 3 Mathematics qualifications

Mathematical and quantitative skills are important for students’ future study and career prospects. Higher levels of achievement in mathematics are associated with higher earnings for individuals, and many employers are looking for applicants with advanced mathematical and quantitative skills. At Jesmond Park Academy Sixth Form, we promote and encourage the study of Maths at A Level. It is one of our largest subjects, with numbers studying it above national average. 


Work experience

Work experience is a key component of our 16 to 19 study programme. All students in Year 12 are expected to undertake work experience or work-related training as part of their study programme, and for some students this will continue into Year 13.

Activities are planned to take account of the student’s needs and future plans. As such, the purpose and nature of work experience is likely to be different for a student who plans to apply for HE when compared with a student who is preparing for employment. This approach is consistent with the Gatsby Benchmarks for good careers guidance.



Students are encouraged to incorporate some volunteering and enrichment activities alongside their studies and work experience. Volunteering is a form of youth social action and involves young people taking practical action in the service of others to create positive change. Most of the volunteering involves helping younger students in school but many Sixth form students volunteer in the wider community. Students in Year 12 follow an enrichment programme where they are expected to complete a minimum number of activities which may include volunteering, sport, charity work and extra-curricular study.


National Citizen Service (NCS)

Jesmond Park Academy Sixth Form works closely with NCS. NCS is a government-backed, part-residential youth programme which develops the skills and confidence of young people. NCS offers an autumn programme aimed at 16 and 17 year old students which complements the non-qualification element of the Jesmond Park Academy Sixth Form study programme by offering students further opportunities to develop character, skills, attitudes and confidence. Participants will also develop a social action project which they will put into action in their community.


JPA Sixth Form Offer

A Level:

  • Art and Design
  • Business
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Computing
  • Dance
  • Design & Technology
  • Drama and Theatre Studies
  • Economics
  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • English Language & Literature Combined
  • Film Studies
  • Geography
  • History
  • Mandarin
  • Mathematics
  • Further Mathematics
  • Media Studies
  • Modern Languages - French and Spanish
  • Music
  • Physics
  • Physical Education
  • Politics
  • Psychology
  • Sociology

Vocational qualifications (all Level 3):

  • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Health and Social Care (Extended Certificate)
  • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Applied Science (Extended Certificate)
  • Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Business
  • Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Creative Digital Media Production
  • Pearson Level 3 Alternative Academic Qualification BTEC National in Information Technology (Extended Certificate)
  • Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Sport and Exercise Science


  • The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)