Health and Social Care at Jesmond Park Academy

Health & Social Care

Our students are taught knowledge that helps enrich the lives of others. We are proud to say that we teach people to help people. Our role is not purely teaching but of mentoring and nurturing each child to achieve a successful outcome that meets their needs.

Health & Social Care and Childcare Curriculum Philosophy and Intent Statement

We believe that students should leave school with key knowledge which is needed to allow them to work effectively in the health, social and early years sectors. The subject content prepares many learners to undertake courses in health, social care and education. The department also shares the whole school philosophy of building skills in oracy and literacy. Our students are educated to enrich the lives of others.

In addition to a strong base of knowledge we also feel it is important for young people to study Health & Social Care and Childcare to develop the skills which will prepare them for employment, higher education and life. Students develop the skills to become nurses, social workers, health care assistants, support workers, cleaners, midwives, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, dentists, teachers and parents.

Health and Social Care is a fully inclusive sector, which provides employment opportunities for all, regardless of academic ability. Key attributes such as care, compassion and consideration towards others are crucial within employment and society collectively. The strong focus on values, morals and ethics, as well as skills such as first aid, observations, communication and child rearing are imperative for all individuals to reach their full potential.

The curriculum offered will provide learners with the ability to cope, develop, and progress through life, enhancing their future opportunities.



Health & Social Care Curriculum Content Statement

In Health & Social Care we believe that the acquisition of key knowledge allows students to develop a deep and embedded understanding of all areas of the Health & Social Care curriculum. We also believe that many of these key concepts are fundamental in many other aspects of school life and beyond.

There are several key themes that form this broad base of knowledge. One example is an understanding of human growth and development, starting in Year 10 we look at the underpinning life stages that individuals pass through over the course of life, along with the four basic areas of development that take place across each life stage. This focus continues as we progress through year 10, as we move onto factors that have an impact on the growth and development of specific individuals throughout life.

In year 11, we apply our underpinning knowledge of human lifespan development to the increased rigor of application through the use of sector based scenarios and case studies. Learners will have the opportunity to explore a wide range of additional needs and situations within health and social care, and practically demonstrated how to support and meet the needs of vulnerable individuals accessing health and social care services.

Health and Social Care at Jesmond Park Academy

The regular reviewing, scaffolding and building on this knowledge base is regularly revisited, developed and embedded into the learner’s knowledge base. Promoting reflection, self-evaluation and progression. 

This spiral of learning continues as learners move into key stage 5, where the basic principles of human lifespan develop are backed up with a deeper theoretical, psychological and applied understanding. These areas, in addition to other key themes will be continually revisited at multiple points throughout each academic year, adding complexity and making connections to other topic and subject areas.

It is important students see how key knowledge can be transferred between the 3 key content areas of Human Lifespan Development, Working in Health & Social Care and Health & Wellbeing.  This is demonstrated through application of scenario based assignments, synoptic assessment and external assessment at various points throughout each year.

We understand that a key aspect of long term memory creation requires regular recall and retrieval of key knowledge. We facilitate this through the use of frequent low stakes testing and practicing of the key vocabulary throughout a topic.  We aim to ensure that the subject knowledge of health & social care staff is as up to date as possible through regular cross discipline collaboration and external opportunities. Our teachers have an inherent desire to develop their expertise as a matter of course.

There are many core skills which we will regularly revisit through each key stage building confidence and expertise in the students. They must understand how to effectively conduct research, data interpretation, planning, self-evaluation, practical skills, extended writing and applying theory to sector based scenarios. Literacy shall be regularly reinforced through encouraging students to write extended reports, short essay style responses and ensuring key vocabulary is accurately spelled and used in written work.

In addition to this it is important that we encourage students to demonstrate a creative approach to their work, develop resilience, passion and commitment to the subject in order to meet the needs of the diverse content that we demand from our students.



Health & Social Care Curriculum Offer

KS4 - students can study the following course at KS4 dependent on the choices they are allocated.

  • BTEC Level 2 Tech Award in Health & Social Care


KS5 - students can study the following courses:

  • BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Health & Social Care
  • BTEC Level 3 National Diploma in Health & Social Care
  • BTEC Level 2 First Award in Children’s Play, Learning & Development


Key Areas of Study

  • Human Lifespan Development
  • Working in Health & Social Care
  • Improving Health & Well-being