For all children and young people at Jesmond Park Academy who have an additional need:
• Each child will be assigned a ‘Key Worker’ member of staff to help monitor their progress and wellbeing.
• We involve the child or young person in preparing a One Page Profile to be shared with all teaching staff.
• We work in partnership with parents and carers as we recognise and value the expert role which families play in their children’s lives.
• We set clear targets and needs-based plans for children and young people.
• We deliver high quality teaching, adapting resources to support access to learning and to promote progress.
• We seek support and advice from a range of outside agencies such as SENDOS, Educational Psychology Service, CYPS, Speech and Language Therapy, School Health etc to ensure that barriers to success are fully identified and responded to.
• We operate a graduated response based upon need: Assess, Plan, Do, Review.
• Lessons are as inclusive as possible with adjustments made depending on need.
• We attempt to offer bespoke Curriculum Pathways which are appropriate to a child’s individual needs where possible.
• We routinely evaluate teaching resources to ensure that they are accessible to all children and young people.
• We evaluate our intervention groups and strategies on a regular basis.
• We monitor access to teaching and learning for pupils with SEN through the schools self-evaluation process and the Inclusion Quality Framework
• We use ICT hardware and software to promote access to the curriculum and to support students with any Exam Access Arrangements that might be needed.
• We assess ALL students for additional needs in exams at the end of KS3.
• We use strategies to promote emotional wellbeing and reduce anxiety.
• We ensure that our educational visits and extra-curricular activities, as far as possible, are accessible to SEN children and young people.
• We strategically place support staff, where they are most needed throughout the Academy, to ensure pupil progress, independence and value for money.
• We evaluate whole school policies (such as those for behaviour, anti-bullying and SEN) on a regular basis with a focus on the impact upon pupils with SEN.
• We ensure that staff receive on-going training in relation to meeting individual needs within the classroom.
• We offer support to families and they are signposted to services and organisations which may provide appropriate input or advice via the Newcastle Local Offer.
• We offer Primary to Secondary and Secondary to Post-16 transition support to children, young people and parents and carers.
• All students with additional needs will meet with a Specialist Connexions Advisor to help with Post 16 decisions.
In addition to the above, we also offer further support to those children and young people who have a higher level of additional need, and have an Education, Health and Care Plan. This support includes:
• Very detailed planning and monitoring of progress.
• Individualised programmes of work across several areas.
• Specific, targeted interventions.
• Provision specified in an EHC Plan.
• Annual reviews of an EHC Plan with recommendations submitted to the Local authority.
• Multi-agency planning and assessment of targets at interim reviews.
Specific provision for the different areas of need is detailed in the table that follows:
• Communication and Interaction
• Cognition and Learning Needs
• Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs
• Sensory and Physical Needs