Dear Parent/Carer,
Year 10 Summer Mocks: Monday 19 June 2023 – Friday 30 June 2023
As we approach our May half-term break, our focus is turning to our Year 10 summer mock GCSE examinations. We are holding these between Monday 19 June and Friday 30 June.
As we work towards our Year 10 summer mocks, our advice remains the same for our Year 10 students as it has for our Year 11 students who are in the middle of their GCSE examinations.
It is important that your child find the balance between completing productive study, examination preparation and revision for these mocks, alongside taking clearly defined breaks and time away completely for family time, fun, rest and relaxation. This is vital for your child’s health and wellbeing. Our absolute priority is to support our Year 10 students both academically and with their health and well-being in the lead up to, during and after the Year 10 mocks.
With this in mind we are holding a ‘How to Support your Child in the Year 10 Summer Mocks’ live TEAMS meeting on Thursday 25 May 2023 at 5:00pm. It is anticipated that this session will last 30 – 45 minutes. You can access this live event via the link below:
The following information provides initial details about the support for our Year 10 students and parents/carers at Jesmond Park Academy as we approach the mocks.
General Information Regarding the Year 10 Mocks
We are holding an assembly for our Year 10 students launching the countdown to our Year 10 mocks, which will focus upon the support in place for them. Our Year 10 teachers will also be talking to our Year 10 students about the expectations and topics in individual subjects and we will be giving our students finalised subject specific revision lists, and an overview mock examination timetable to support our students with revision planning. We will also provide an electronic copy for parent/carers.
GCSE & BTEC Revision Guides
All of our Year 10 students have a full set of revision guides for most of the subjects that they study. These are theirs to keep and should be used to support their ongoing review of work and revision throughout the remainder of Year 10 and Year 11.
All of our students now have personal login access to GCSEPod, which is an interactive online revision and resource tool.
Summer Mock Examination Support in Personal Development Lessons
Our Year 10 Personal Development teachers are delivering lessons on ‘how to revise’ and ‘how to effectively prepare yourself for examinations’. This also includes further support on how to use revision guides effectively.
Compulsory Period 7 Guided Revision Programme for Year 10 Students
There will be a compulsory Period 7 guided revision programme in place for our Year 10 students. We are planning this alongside our support in place for our Year 11 students who are still ongoing with their GCSE examinations. The guided revision will consist of silent revision using revision guides and other key revision materials. We will talk through the use of flash cards, mind maps etc.
It is anticipated that our compulsory guided study sessions will take place at the following dates and times after the half-term break. Please note that on these days school will not finish for our Year 10 students until 3:30pm.
Monday 5 June 2023
Tuesday 13 June 2023
Tuesday 6 June 2023
Wednesday 14 June 2023
Wednesday 7 June 2023
Thursday 16 June 2023
Year 10 Summer Mocks Results Afternoon
This will take place towards the end of the last week of term and will hopefully provide our students with a ‘real’ experience of GCSE results day after all of their hard work in the lead up to the mocks.
Year 10 Full School Report
This will include your child’s form tutor report, mock results, subject grades and subject next-step targets for Year 11. We will publish this to parents/carers before the end of term.
Unfortunately, due to timing, there may not be much further interaction between school and home once we have sent out our report, but please be rest assured that we will be using the outcomes from the mocks (and other student assessments) to plan support for our Year 10 students going into Year 11.
Year 10 Work Experience Week: Monday 10 July 2023 – Friday 14 July 2023
The majority of our Year 10 students have been able to successfully secure a work experience placement this week. For those students who have not, attendance to school that week is compulsory as normal and we intend to hold ‘in-school’ work related learning activities for those students. We will write to you with further details of this after the half-term break.
As we have already said, our absolute priority is to support our Year 10 students both academically and with their health and well-being throughout the remainder of this year and throughout Year 11.
If you have any further questions or information regarding our Year 10 mocks, or you have further information which will help us support your child, please contact Mr Andrew Cleland (Head of Year 10) at
Yours sincerely,
Mrs C Smith
Deputy Principal