You will recall that when we sent out your child’s first underpinning performance grade card before half term we also included the information below regarding the upcoming Year 8 internal assessment week.
We are holding formal Year 8 internal assessments in all of our subjects starting on Monday 15 November. Your child’s teacher will tell your child on which day the assessment is taking place and will ask your child to write this in their planner.
We will be speaking to all of our Year 8 students about this nearer the time and our Year 8 teachers will also be talking to students in lessons. We will publish a full grade card in the last week of term, which will detail your child’s End of Year Target Grade and End of Year Progress assessment grade for each subject, and an update of the underpinning performance grades. The End of Year Progress assessment grade will be based upon your child’s teacher’s estimates of their expected outcomes at the end of Year 8, based on their current effort and progress. This can obviously change as your child progresses throughout the year.
There will be another formal assessment week taking place in March and June. Obviously, there will be ongoing informal assessments taking place regularly throughout the year in different subjects.
In order for you to support your child in preparing for the November internal assessments, we have attached a revision list detailing all of the topics that are being assessed. In addition to their exercise books, your child’s teachers will pinpoint them to support available on our VLE and recommended revision websites. BBC Bitesize is a good start.
Whilst we stress the importance of your child taking any assessments seriously, preparing for them as best as they can and striving to achieve their best, we equally stress the importance of health and wellbeing. We are fully committed to supporting all of our students in ensuring that we support and prepare them as best we can as they continue with their studies throughout Year 8.
If you have any questions or queries contact your child’s subject teacher, form tutor or a member of the year team.
Yours faithfully
Mr N Holmes
Director of Student Progress
A copy of this letter plus revision topics can be downloaded below.