
Year 11 Sixth Form week 2022

As your child, along with the rest of our Year 11 students, works towards their final GCSE exams, it is also a time to start exploring the exciting opportunities available after Year 11.  Amongst the opportunities on offer is joining our Sixth Form. 

Unfortunately we have had to cancel our Sixth Form Open Evening due to the ongoing Covid situation. However I am delighted to inform you that we will have a Sixth Form week for students to offer further information about this transition to Sixth Form.  Over the course of the week, all Year 11 students will receive presentations from all of our Sixth Form A Level and BTEC subjects. Please find a link below to the subject presentation.

Subject Presentations

The Year 11 Sixth Form week is an excellent opportunity to obtain more information about the subjects we intend to offer in 2022-23.  It offers the chance to talk to teaching staff from across all subject areas and to find out about the student support we have in place to support student success in Sixth Form.  In addition, copies of the new Sixth Form prospectus will be made available at the end of the week.

The recording of the Sixth Form Parent/Carer Information Evening on the 16th February 2022 can be veiwed below.

I am sure your child will find the week informative and helpful.  After half term the Sixth Form team will begin the process of enrolling students into our Sixth Form and supporting students with progression to other institutions. There will be more information about this during the Sixth Form week.

If you have any queries please contact me via email. Otherwise check our Sixth Form section of the school website for updates.

Yours sincerely

Mr A Costello

Director of Sixth Form

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