Summer School Success 2021
During the first week of the summer holidays, 122 Year 6 students attended the Summer School held at Jesmond Park Academy for our incoming Year 7. The children participated in a wide range of activities over the course of the week, designed to improve learning, build confidence, familiarise students with the staff and school site whilst easing the transition from Year 6 to Year 7. The range of activities over the week included baking in Food Tech, Science experiments, Drama, a mini Olympics’ on the school field, learning Mandarin and Art lessons. English, Maths and P.E. sessions were delivered daily. A breakfast club was held every morning for students and drop off was available from 8am. The school counsellor was available for students to talk to if they had any concerns about the move from Primary to Secondary School.
Feedback from both students and parents was that the week was hugely beneficial to students. Comments collected included:
‘I found the staff to be approachable and understanding. They were professional showing a great deal of pastoral care which helped my son deal with his emotional regulation and anxiety.’ Parent.
‘Helped massively with my child’s confidence in changing school, summer school is a great idea, children get to meet there new peers and become comfortable in the new school environment and my child enjoyed it immensely.’ Parent.
‘I’ve had so much fun and I’m so glad that I came. I’ve met so many new friends and members of staff’. Incoming Year 7 Student.
The £9367.88 cost for Summer School was funded by the Government’s Catch up for School’s programme.