Curriculum Overview at jesmond park academy

Philosophy and Intent

Our curriculum at Jesmond Park academy has a clear focus on the development of knowledge and skills, placing the learner at the heart of everything we do.


Our Curriculum
Our school badge has always contained the heraldic symbol for a tower, representing solidity, strength and protection. Our Curriculum Philosophy reflects these attributes by providing students with a firm base of knowledge from which they can thrive and flourish in their academic studies.

Knowledge acquisition
The acquisition of relevant, thought-provoking and detailed knowledge is central to our curriculum…… so that students can undertake higher levels of study and employment with a sound educational, social, moral and cultural foundation.

Development of skills
This broad depth of knowledge will allow students to develop the core skills that they require in order to achieve outstanding outcomes.

Teacher as the expert
We recognise the central role played by teachers in delivering our curriculum, and we view the ‘teacher as the expert’ in every classroom. They are required to work together within and across departments in order to embed and transfer the knowledge, skills and ethos that we value as a learning community. This is an ongoing process of refinement and ‘growth’, and we understand that our curriculum will build upon prior learning, adapt and change in order to meet the needs of our school. We will take an evidence based approach to all curriculum decisions.

Role of the learner

At its core, the curriculum serves the student but we recognise the responsibilities of learners too. Outstanding student behaviour, including self-discipline, curiosity and sustained commitment to study, is both a requirement and an expectation. Moreover, students have a responsibility to support each other and be a positive academic and social influence on their peers. They should also recognise their role in contributing to the wider school community.

To summarise the key elements of our curriculum philosophy, they are:

• Knowledge – acquisition of knowledge through expert teacher delivery so that students have a detailed understanding of the world around them.

• Skills– development of core skills including improved Literacy, Oracy and Numeracy so that students are able to secure outstanding outcomes.

• Enrichment – cultural, moral and social educational opportunities so that students leave school as well rounded and thoughtful young adults.

Curriculum Overview at Jesmond Park Academy