
National Careers Week

Date Published:
Monday 27 February 2023

This takes place all week from Monday 6th March until Saturday 11th March. National Careers Week (NCW) is a one-week celebration of careers guidance across the UK and the aim is to provide a focus for careers guidance activity at an important stage in the academic calendar to help support young people develop awareness and excitement about their future pathways.

Careers support continues to be a focus for our school. Jesmond Park Academy now has 14 student Careers Champions, and we are in the process of recruiting staff Careers Champions for each of our departmental areas. Jesmond Park Academy were the first school nationally to launch the National Careers Week Champions programme. The programme is now being scaled nationally with the North East and North West as pilot areas. The initial work of both sets of Careers Champions will be to promote National Careers Week. Activities during the week will include building resources into form time and lesson time where possible, requests for external employer speakers, completion of NCW resources (such as pledges and career pathway door signs).

On Wednesday 15th February, we took our entire Year 9 student body (340 students) to the, ‘My Future My Choice’ Newcastle City Council Careers Fair. Several Jesmond Park Academy students have been selected to be filmed before, during and after the event. We are holding our own Careers Fair on Friday 24th March for Year 6 students from our primary feeder schools, and all of our Year 10 - 13 students. There will be a variety of business and university sectors represented. All of our Year 10 students and a number of our Year 12 students will be undertaking work experience during the penultimate week of the summer term and we also intend to replicate mock interviews for all of our Year 10 students in the last week of term.

We pride ourselves at JPA at having a substantial Careers package, which involves quality Careers Education and a wide range of Careers based events.

If you think that you can further enrich our student experience and offer support with any of our Careers related events coming up such as being an exhibitor at our Careers Fair, contribute to Careers’ talks to students during National Careers Week, offer work experience placements for our Year 10 or Year 12 students or indeed be available for our Year 10 mock interviews at the end of term please email our Careers Manager Sarah Beeley ( with your details.

Please find in the downloads section below a Parents Guide to National Careers Week 2023.