
Sports Update

Date Published:
Friday 17 February 2023

Congratulations to the Year 7 girls football team who played in their final central venue league fixtures on Tuesday. Despite suffering a defeat, the girls pulled back a draw from 3-1 down in their second fixture which proved a crucial point to see them qualify for the finals night! The girls finished second in the league and will compete in the city finals at Kenton after half term. Well done to all involved. 

Yr 7 Girls Football Team

Three of our very talented young athletes, Rosie, Harry and Kasper, were representing Northumberland at the North East Inter County Cross Country Championships on Sunday 4th February. They had qualified for the event following their excellent performances at the Tyne and Wear Championships in January. 

All three of our students ran fantastically well, Kasper in particular, who won his age race and will now compete at the National Cross Country Championships in Leicester, at the back end of next half term. Harry finished 9th of the Northumberland runners, meaning he just missed out on the 8 Northumberland runners who will compete at the nationals, he will be named as first reserve.  

It is a fantastic achievement for any runner to compete at this event. They can all be as extremely proud of themselves as we are. 

Good luck at the Nationals Kasper!

Kasper CC 1 Kasper CC 2

Netball News

Our Year 10 and Senior netball teams travelled to Dame Allen's this week. The Year 10 girls won a tight game 10-9 but the Seniors lost 16-9 in their last game of the season. All the players have proudly represented the school, showing outstanding team spirit and personal conduct. Very well played to all of you!