
Year 9 Options Evening and Year 9 subject teacher parent/carer evening

Date Published:
Thursday 19 January 2023

Save the dates - Year 9 Options Evening and Year 9 subject teacher parent/carer evening - advanced information for parent/carers of Year 9 students


Year 9 Options Evening Tuesday 31.1.23 between 4:45pm and 7:15pm

Our Year 9 Options Evening takes place face-to-face in school on Tuesday 31.1.23 between 4:45pm and 7:15pm. We ask that parent/carers and students arrive from 4:30pm for a 4:45pm welcome presentation. The remaining part of the evening will allow parent/carers and students to visit stalls and presentations regarding subjects to be studied in Years 10 & 11. Parent/carers and students will receive full details of the evening, which will include all of the information about the options process,  on Thursday 26.1.23 via pupil post (we will give them to Year 9 students in registration). If this date changes, we will let parent/carers know. There will be a full assembly for all Year 9 students on Wednesday 25.1.23 explaining the process to them.


Year 9 subject teacher parent/carer evening via SchoolCloud Wednesday 8.2.23 from 3:00pm - 7:00pm

Our subject teacher parent/carer evening takes place on Wednesday 8.2.23 from 3:00pm - 7:00pm. This will be a hybrid evening where parent/carers will have the opportunity to meet their child's subject teachers online or face-to-face in school. Parent/carers and students will receive information regarding this next week.