

Date Published:
Tuesday 17 January 2023

3:00pm - 4:15pm: Online Appointments via SchoolCloud

4:25pm - 7:00pm: Face-to-Face Appointments in School

Dear Parent/Carer,

We would like to invite you to attend our Parent/Carer Consultation Session taking place on Wednesday 8 February 2023.

We are continuing to use SchoolCloud to facilitate our online appointment booking system. You are able to choose your own appointment times with teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointments.

The main difference this year is that we are offering a ‘hybrid’ version of the event. This is in response to our most recent parent/carer survey where 68% of our Year 9 parents/carers replied stating that they wished to return to ‘in-school’ face-to-face appointments with their child’s teachers. The evening will be organised via SchoolCloud - whether online or in school or face to face.

The first part of the evening will be online, and the second part of the evening will be in school, face-to-face.

You will either make appointments to meet your child's subject teachers online during the earlier part of the evening, or you will make appointments to come into school for the later part of the evening and meet your child's teachers face-to-face. The evening will, in effect, be split into two. You will note that, in response to parent/carer preference, the face-to-face part of the evening has more appointments available than the earlier online part of the evening.

Appointments can be made from 19 January and the booking system will close at noon on 27 January. Should you wish to make any changes after this date, please contact the school and ask for Mrs Chirnside or email her at

As was the system last year, the appointments will fill up on a strictly first-come-first-served basis. If your schedule allows, you can book appointments for both the online and in-person sessions. Please contact Mrs Chirnside if you need further guidance on this.

Please note:

  • Not all teachers are available for this event. If a teacher you wish to see is not on your list of staff to book, please contact them independently via email and they will be happy to provide feedback.
  • Appointments can be made with the Year Manager. The Head of Year will be available on a drop-in basis.
  • Our SENCO will be available on a drop-in basis during the in-school session of the event. If you are unable to attend this session and wish to speak to someone from our SENCO team, please contact school.
  • Our Careers Manager – Mrs S Beeley will be available to book during this event
  • Online appointments will be 5 minutes in duration and will cut off automatically after that time.
  • Face-to-Face appointments are also strictly 5 minutes in duration. This allows the evening to be more efficient and reduces the time waiting. If you require a longer appointment, it will be necessary for you to make arrangements with the subject teacher for a date and time convenient to you both.
  • If you require any other help or information regarding how to set your appointments up please contact Mrs Chirnside at



HOW TO BOOKPlease visit to book your appointments.

You will need to login with the information provided in the letter that was sent home:

Parent Title

Parent Forename:

Parent Surname:

Student First Name:

Student Surname:

Student Date of Birth:

The link below provides guidance on how to attend the online appointments.

For online appointments, the system can used on mobile phones, PCs, and tablets. For in-school appointments, please report to our Main Reception to sign in, and then through to our Main Hall and/or Restaurant for your face-to-face appointments.

For both the online appointments and the in-school appointments, we would strongly encourage wherever possible for your child to attend the appointment.

We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to speak to your child’s subject teachers, not only to find out more about their progress, but also to discuss any matters that may help us to support them.


Please bear with us with regards to the organisational aspects of this parent/carer evening. This is the first year that we will have operated a hybrid evening for a large year group from the main school within our academy. As always we will endeavour, wherever we can, to accommodate all parent/carer appointment requests within this hybrid system. As we have said above, if you have any further queries regarding the organisation of this evening please contact


Yours sincerely

Mr N Holmes

Director of Student Progress