Citizenship at Jesmond Park Academy

Key Information & Updates

Date Published:
Thursday 20 October 2022

This page is updated regularly to provide you with a range of important key information and updates throughout the school year. We recommend that you check this page frequently. We may send out a text message linking you to the updated information on this page and these texts may be targeted.


You can find our key dates and contacts booklet for the academic year 2022-2023 here - Link.


Dear Parents/Carers of new Year 7 Students,

To remove cash and cheques from school, we are asking all parents to use our online system to pay for dinner money. This can be done using a secure website called Scopay.

Scopay offers the freedom to make payments whenever and wherever you like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – safe in the knowledge that the technology used is of the highest internet security available.

You will set up a secure online account, activated using a link code. If you have two or more children at the school, you can merge their accounts once logged in.

A letter will be issued to your child on their first day, (Tuesday 6th September 2022) which will have the username and password you will need to set up your online payment account.

Therefore, please be reminded that new Year 7 students need to bring a packed lunch for their first day at school and up until you have set up your account and added funds. (Students who receive Free School Meals will be provided with a packed lunch by the school.)

Please can students also bring a reading book on their first day.


Our school meals provider is Newcastle City Council. You can access further information through the links below including a letter from our provider and the new prices, menus and meal deal options available for students. There has meal deal price is £2.60. Free School Meals students can continue to receive their meal deal as usual up to this £2.60 value. The meal deals provide the best value and we would encourage students to select these wherever possible. Pre-payment for school meals will still go through the Scopay payment system as usual and funds will still be able to be added to your usual account at

View the prices, menus and meal deal information here.



If children aged 12-15 have not received both doses of the Covid-19 vaccine through the schools roll out, there are lots of other ways they can still access the vaccine. 

All of the places that you can access the Covid-19 vaccine in Newcastle are listed at Sessions are added all the time, so please ensure you check for updates and the latest information. There are walk-in and booked appointment sessions at various community locations and these sites offer vaccines to those aged 12+, so anyone in your family that is due a first, second or booster dose can attend.

If you prefer, you can also book through the National Booking Service by calling 119 or online at -

If you have specific access needs, you can state these when booking online, or over the phone and the staff at the vaccination centre will do their best to meet your needs.


Here are some useful links: information, Q&As and personal stories from real people in the North East, with advice and how to access your vaccine is a useful site for young people with information, short videos and social media posts tackling common questions and concerns with NHS approved answers.

Hear from 14-year-old Aminah about her reasons for having the vaccine: 14-year-old Aminah Haider talks about getting the vaccine (links to the Newcastle City Council Facebook page)

COVID-19 vaccination – a guide for children and young people (

COVID-19 Vaccination programme for children and young people – guidance for parents (

There are also leaflets available to download in other languages, including a British Sign Language (BSL) video to view or download and a braille version that can be ordered COVID-19 vaccination: resources for children and young people aged 12 to 17 years - GOV.UK (



Information links from Doctors of the World and the Migrant Hub:


Vaccine Q & A on the Beat Covid NE website can be found here

YouTube channel containing specific vaccine related videos

Fozia and Aminah discuss 12-15 vaccinations

Aminah and Fozia 2 - YouTube

Shaka Hislop, former NUFC goalkeeper, urges people to get vaccinated

Black African community vaccination event

“Why I changed my mind about the vaccine”

Liaquat Ali at vaccine bus

Dr Meenakshi – fertility

Drop-in vaccine clinic

Councillor Irim Ali vaccination

(Then the Deputy) Lord Mayor Councillor Habib Rahman gets vaccinated

Inside the vaccination centre

Imam and Khatib at Newcastle Muslim Centre explains why it is safe and permissible to take the Covid vaccine during Ramadan.




The latest information and guidance from the government website can be found at the link below.




Everyone has an important part to play in stopping Covid-19 spreading. These are the things we can all do to help reduce the risk of you, and anyone you live with, getting ill with COVID-19:

·         wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds

·         use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available

·         wash your hands as soon as you get home

·         cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze

·         put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards 

You can find out further information relating to Covid-19 here:  

Coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms in adults - NHS (


Our priority will continue to be the provision of the safest environment possible in school to minimise any risk for both staff and students. The work to ensure our school is as safe as possible is subject to constant ongoing review. There are a series of systems and arrangements in place to ensure everyone remains safe.

If your child feels unwell it is vital school has the correct contact details and those of emergency contacts. Please make sure that your contact details are up-to-date. If you do need to update us please email


We remain cashless for school meals. Students must not bring money into school. If you have not already set up an online payment account please email the Finance department and they will send you the information you will need to set up an account. They will need your child's name, address and year group.


The most up to date version of our Wearing of Face Coverings in School document can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

The wearing of face coverings in all areas of school is currently optional and a personal choice.

This expectation may change in the future as we monitor the Coronavirus situation and are advised by Public Health accordingly. We will update Parents, Carers and Students here if this is the case.


More information about the scheme can be found at

Parents / carers can call 0191 278 7878 for further information and ask for Household Support Fund – this line is open Monday to Friday 9:30 – 15:30.


There is increased rigour to remote learning and a clear expectation that all students fully engage with it.  At Jesmond Park Academy our remote learning provision on Frog and OneDrive means that students can access learning through a range of expertly designed learning tasks.  Please see the detailed guide to remote learning on the school website, which you can easily access from the second button on the website homepage.  This will solve most of the problems or issues that you may encounter.  It is important that students work to a set routine, led by their timetabled lessons, and in a quiet, appropriate space at home.  Teachers are available for support during the school day and you or your son/daughter can contact them via email. Teachers have been instructed to contact any students not completing work as it is compulsory for them to complete it, just as it would be in school. Students need to complete the work set on the One Drive and then complete Frog Assignments which will be used to assess progress and understanding. They will receive feedback on these assignments. Students can also email work to their teachers if they want some reassurance on any areas of misconception or even just to share a piece of work of which they are particularly proud. For all of the latest information on our remote learning programme please click the following Remote Learning