
Year 9 Options - Information for Parents/Carers and Students

Date Published:
Friday 21 January 2022


Covid-19 control measures in school continue, therefore, unfortunately, an in-school event will not be taking place.  Instead, from week beginning Monday 31st January 2022, our Year 9 option information will be available online to parents/carers and students. 



  • A TEAMS assembly in school for students.  Students will receive their option booklets
  • NEW:  Wednesday 2nd February, 5:00pm:  A live TEAMS presentation for parents/carers and students.  We will email parents/carers and students the link for this presentation w/b Monday 24 January 2022.  (This will be recorded so you can watch it at your own convenience.)
  • Wednesday 2nd February 2022, 5:00pm:  Year 9 narrated PowerPoints for subject specific information available to view on our website at your convenience. 
  • Year 9 Virtual Careers’ Fair available to view online - we will send out a link to this when it is available.
  • Wednesday 9th February 2022:   Year 9 Parent/Carer Consultation Session.  You will have already received your invitation to this along with your unique SchoolCloud login information.
  • Telephone appointments with a member of the Year 9 team and the Senior Leadership team will be available to discuss options and the option choices for your child.
  • Opportunities for an email conversation with your child’s subject teacher if you have a subject specific option query.

We hope you will find this valuable for helping you and your child choose the best options for their future success.