Dear Parent/Carer
We continue to remain extremely proud of our Year 11 students. They have been an absolute credit to themselves and you as parents/carers for the way in which they have conducted themselves these last few weeks during our Year 11 assessment period. As we complete our assessments over the next couple of weeks, our advice remains the same for our Year 11 students as is detailed below, and we have written to you before regarding this.
It is important that your child finds the balance between completing productive school work alongside taking clearly defined breaks and time away completely for family time, fun, rest and relaxation (alongside our ever changing COVID rules!). This is vital for your child’s health and wellbeing. We will continue to support our students throughout and we will ensure that the nature and purpose of each type of assessment is fully understood by all. We are determined to ensure that we provide sufficient opportunities for our students to demonstrate fully the progress that they have made and the grades that they are deserving of. If you have any questions about our ongoing assessment strategy please do not hesitate to contact us. If there is any further information that we are not aware of about how your child is coping with their assessments that you feel that we should know about, please contact the Year 11 Team. Our absolute priority is to support our Year 11 students both academically and with their health and well-being.
The following information provides further details about the arrangements for students at Jesmond Park Academy as we move towards the end of Year 11.
Remainder of this Half-Term up until Friday 28 May
Students remain in school full time and will continue to be taught and assessed as is outlined in their assessment timetable. Please note a small number of assessments have been brought forward and all students have been informed of this if it affects them. The individual subjects this affects are detailed at the end of this letter. It is important they continue to work hard and complete work to the best of their ability. Compulsory Period 7 sessions will finish on Thursday 20 May.
Year 11 students will finish their full time studies in school on Friday 28 May. After this date, no further assessments will take place and our Centre Assessed Grades will be carefully based on the evidence that we have.
In terms of our Year 11 ‘leaving’ arrangements, we do intend getting our Year 11 students together in a ‘Covid-secure’ way on Friday 28 May and this will be our penultimate opportunity to speak with them as a whole year group. Mr Merrifield and the Year 11 team will lead this. We intend to invite all of our Year 11 students back into school for a formal leavers’ assembly in our assembly hall on Friday 25 June (providing the government ‘roadmap’ and guidance continues as anticipated). Please ensure that your child keeps their full school uniform intact for this occasion. They will not be allowed to attend if they are not in full school uniform.
Our other leaving arrangements include the leavers’ hoodie and the yearbook. Hoodies will cost £20.00 and are available in many different shades of colour, so hopefully there will be something to suit everyone. They come with the JPA logo on the front and all student names on the back. If you want to order a 2021 leavers’ hoodie please do so directly from our uniform suppliers Emblematic. The deadline date for orders is Sunday 16 May. The link is detailed below and the hoodies can be collected from school on Thursday 10 June.
Students and staff have been busy submitting their entries for our Year 11 2020/2021 leavers’ school year book. Mrs Dowling has contacted all students directly via school email with the information required to order both the yearbook and the hoodie.
Monday 7 June to Friday 25 June
We are fully committed to supporting our Year 11 students until the end of June 2021, which is always the traditional end to Year 11 prior to moving on to further study either at our Sixth Form or elsewhere. This will involve students working remotely on activities provided or onsite in school.
The programme that we are currently finalising is being designed to support academic and personal progression from Year 11 onto the next stage of education or training. We are dividing this into three 1-week chunks and these are briefly detailed overleaf.
Further details will be provided to individual students or groups of students depending upon their circumstance, level of need or support.
Week 1 Monday 7 June to Friday 11 June
On the whole, this will be a remote learning week and students will be directed to specific materials to work on which will be targeted to the students’ next steps, such as bridging work for Jesmond Park Academy Sixth Form, bridging work for FE college (Newcastle, TyneMet or Gateshead etc.) or an apprenticeship. Where appropriate this work should be brought into school in week 2. We will also be inviting individual students into school for 1:1 small group support with transition from Year 11 to Sixth form, FE College or apprenticeship.
Week 2 Monday 14 June to Friday 18 June
Students intending to return to Jesmond Park Academy Sixth Form will be in school for part of the week taking part in sixth form bridging lessons. These are compulsory for all students intending to return to JPA. We aim to facilitate those students intending to go to a local FE college or apprenticeships to attend online or on site bridging sessions too. There will be further information about this sent out to all of our Year 11 students.
Week 3 Monday 21 June to Friday 25 June
During this week, we will put on an AM and PM programme of online sessions to support students with their personal progression. This will include further careers (CEIAG) information, health and wellbeing, finances, NCS (National Citizen Service), Global bridge and other activities that we feel will benefit our Year 11 students and what they may not have had access to because of COVID19.
We will end the week with our formal Year 11 leaver’s celebration assembly in school on Friday 25 June at 1:15pm. Students must be in full school uniform and arrive at the front of the school no later than 1:10pm.
GCSE Results Day: Thursday 12 August
You will be aware that our GCSE results day is much earlier than normal this year and takes place on the above date. Final enrollment to Jesmond Park Academy Sixth Form will take place at this time. We will also ensure that there is support in place for our students who are not planning upon returning to our Sixth Form.
There will be further detailed information regarding all of the above sent out to you in good time prior to the activities taking place and we will continue to update you as and when required.
This will not be the final time that we will write to you before our Year 11 students leave but, for now, we continue to wish our Year 11 students well in their final assessments. As we have said, we remain proud of their mature and excellent approach to their studies in very difficult and unique circumstances.
Yours sincerely
Mr N Holmes
Director of Student Progress
Mr D Merrfield
Director of Key Stage 4
Mrs E Dowling
Head of Year 11
All students have been informed in advance by their class teachers.
Year 11 Music
This has already taken place and students were informed in advance of this. Assessment 3 was spread over three lessons (rather than two) to include Monday 10 May, in addition to the sessions already in place on Wednesday 12 May and Friday 14 May.
Year 11 History
Assessment 3 Paper 1 and Paper 2: These assessment sessions have all been brought forward by exactly one week. Assessment 3 Paper 1 and Paper 2 are now being held between 18 – 21 May (not 25th – 28th May) in the same timeslots when they were originally scheduled.
Y11 Geography
Assessment 3 (there is only one paper) has been brought forward to Friday 21 May period 1 for 11N, period 2 for 11B and period 6 for 11C.
Y11 Psychology
Assessment 3 Paper 1 and Paper 2 have been brought forward by one week and are now taking place on 12 and 19 May respectively.
Y11 Design Technology
Has been brought forward from 26 May and is now taking place on 19 May.