Dear Parent/Carer
I am writing a very brief letter to wish all of the Jesmond Park Academy community a very Merry Christmas. My main message is in our latest Christmas Parklife edition and you can find it on the home page of our school website.
I would like to also remind parents about our staggered start to the new term, LFD testing arrangements and the revised guidelines with regards to Covid-19 isolation and close contacts. You can find all of the information that you need in the Key Information and Updates section of our school website which you can easily access from the first “pip” on the website home page.
This area of the website includes a link to a copy of our recent letter outlining the LFD testing and return to school arrangements for January 2022. Please continue to regularly monitor the Key Information and Updates page for any further additional information or changes.
Furthermore, in recent days, following the Government’s acceptance of the JCVI’s advice, all children and young people aged 12 to 15 years will be offered a second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine at a minimum of 12 weeks from the first dose. There will be children and young people who become eligible for a second dose from this week commencing 13 December and they will soon be able to book an appointment using the national booking service or through the community vaccination sites.
See for all the places you can get a vaccine in Newcastle. This page will be updated regularly, as more clinics get added all the time and bookings are also subject to change in this current climate. The School Age Vaccination Service will be contacting us in the new year to advise on dates for offering second doses in school. Public Health are also working with the School Age Vaccination Service to offer first doses where these have not yet been administered.
So, there we have it. We have come to the end of a long term and the whole school community is looking forward to a well-earned rest. Enjoy the time with your family and friends and we look forward to the students returning to their studies in the New Year, energised for the hard work ahead!
Yours sincerely