
Year 11 GCSE results August 2020

Date Published:
Thursday 20 August 2020

This morning saw us giving out our GCSE & Btec results to our Year 11 students in circumstances very different from our 'normal' years, particularly after the roller coaster ride of the last week or so regarding the results. Hopefully things are much clearer now for everyone and it was a pleasure to see all of our Year 11 students again and wish them well. We were pleased with the government decision to use teacher assessed grades as the minimum grade that students would receive, at GCSE and are pleased with the results achieved by our Year 11, which we think are a fair reflection of their progress and attainment. They also show a further improvement on the results of recent years, reflecting our journey as a school.

We have included within our results pack information regarding the GCSE & Btec results, specific details about enrolment to our Sixth Form and a list of contacts where our students can access progression advice and support beyond Year 11, all of which can be accessed below. We will continue to update via our website any further information we receive regarding the GCSE results.

Best wishes once more to all of our outgoing Year 11 students.