Student Support Base

How are students supported?

If students are happy, safe and supported they flourish and will achieve their personal best.

How are students supported?

Supporting students is our top priority, whether this is monitoring and keeping them on track with their learning or whether they need help to deal with personal, social or other issues.

Every student here is treated equally and fairly. We believe the needs of every child are important and we wish to ensure that all students are listened to and cared for.

We seek to create a tolerant, inclusive community in which each person is respected and recognised as of equal value. We adopt a policy of positive behaviour management, which encourages students to take responsibility for their own actions and to consider their impact on others. Young people are encouraged to develop strategies to enable them to behave appropriately and to respond in socially acceptable ways.

We believe that students respond best to a calm atmosphere with clear and consistent messages; that praise and reward and the celebration of success create an environment of mutual support and respect.

Tutor groups are arranged in mixed ability sets and every tutor group has a teacher tutor. Looking after these tutors are Heads of Year (teaching staff) and Year Managers (non-teaching staff), so no one feels lost in a big group and everyone gets personal attention with a feeling of belonging.

We are committed to equal opportunities. Students with special educational needs are supported by a comprehensive learning development team with learning assistants, led by Director of Student Support Chris Aitken and SENDCO Claire Munro.

We also have a wide range of support structures in place, such as a Counsellor and Family Support Worker, an Attendance Team and trained Child Protection staff.

We take seriously any problems that might get in the way of learning so issues such as bullying are dealt with quickly through year teams and Faculty Heads.