Deaf students in JPA have had an exciting Autumn term!
In October, a Year 9 student proudly wrote this poem about her experience of deafness:
I Am Deaf
Who am I? and who are you?
I may not be able to hear you,
But that doesn’t mean I can’t understand you.
I am creative and imaginative,
I am confident and positive.
I’ve got enough to go around for everyone I see,
And when you talk to me,
There are no communication barriers, you see.
I am deaf, I am lucky.
I can sleep throughout the night,
Without hearing any sounds.
I can succeed throughout the year,
With support and guidance all around.
I am like you,
Yes, deaf people can do whatever you do.
‘I am deaf’ poem written by Sarah.
In November, we linked up with the Newcastle Deaf Centre and Plymouth University to participate in a project funded by Innovate UK. The project aims to create glasses that will allow deaf people to attend any cinema screening, by creating glasses that will give access to both captions and a BSL interpreter. These features will be controlled by the individual, to reposition and resize them, as well as change the colour, language and font to improve the quality of the experience.